Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Inflation Gyrations

Now that ain't workin'
That's the way you do it
Let me tell you
Them guys ain't dumb
--Dire Straits

This article touches on why inflation, as measured by the Consumer Price Index, is chronically under-reported.

Did you know that the dominant definition of inflation has not always been linked to 'change in prices?' A century ago, inflation was commonly defined in terms of the quantity of money and credit.

You can decide which definition makes more sense...

1 comment:

dgeorge12358 said...

Economic medicine that was previously meted out by the cupful has recently been dispensed by the barrel. These once unthinkable dosages will almost certainly bring on unwelcome after-effects. Their precise nature is anyone's guess, though one likely consequence is an onslaught of inflation.
~Warren Buffett