Sunday, July 4, 2010

Independence Day

"So, here's to the men who did what was considered wrong, in order to do what they knew was right...what they knew was right."
--Benjamin Franklin Gates (National Treasure)

Sadly, ten years ago I took freedom for granted. I knew little about this country's founding. I had never read the Constitution.

It's different now. I think about liberty every day. I marvel at what those colonials did when they realized that freedom was not just some philosophical concept, but a way of life that was within their grasp.

They were the true revolutionaries. They were the true liberals. They knew liberty was right. They could feel it in their bones.

The labels of revolutionary and liberal today connote considerably different meanings. Those who wear these terms believe they are 'progressive'--pursuing a new society in sync with modern times.

But what they pursue isn't radical or liberal at all. They seek an authoritarian design that restrains individuals from unincumbered pursuit of their destinies. There is nothing progressive in this design. It is regressive--it returns us to a governance structure has shackled people throughout the history of mankind.

Liberty remains the truly radical idea. Independence Day reminds us of what an enlightened group of revolutionaries did in the name of freedom to form these United States. An opportunity to reflect not just on their action, but on what we are willing to do in order to remain a free people.

Happy Fourth!

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