Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Unforgettable Fire

Oren Trask: You've got a real fire in your belly. Or is this just a one time stunt you've pulled?
Tess McGill: I'm not quite sure what you mean, sir. I've got something in my belly, but I think it's nervous knots.
--Working Girl

Few mainstream media pundits demonstrate solid grasp of the issues we face in the context of our founding principles. One who does is Glenn Beck.

Sure, many deride the guy as crazy, delusional, etc. Of course, a sign that you're on the right track is when your opposition comes out in droves to discredit you (a.k.a. playground behavior).

Mr Beck has done his homework better than most. His knowledge of US history, particularly of the Revolutionary and Constitutional periods shows that he has put in the time.

He has also developed a solid grasp of economics and finance. He was one of the very few in the mainstream media who demonstrated awareness of the disaster that awaited us years ahead of the crisis.

Currently, both the Left and the Right are distancing themselves from the guy. To be expected, of course, because Mr Beck demonstrates the same healthy distrust for government exhibited by the Founders.

My hope is that he does not let the personal attacks, which are certain to escalate, get to him. My sense is that he'll persist, however, as it seems that he has that fire in his belly--one that will be difficult to extinguish.

It's the fire fueled by belief in liberty.

1 comment:

OSR said...

When the Left is really the Right and vice-versa, these things will happen. I've never seen his show, but I can tell you that he has some very ardent followers down here on Main St.