Monday, July 20, 2020

What is a Case?

Jake Lo: You're a real case, Ryan.
Mace Ryan: Hundred and fifty proof, kid.
--Rapid Fire

Ron Paul reviews the corruption streaming from the CV19 database. He also discusses the proper definition of a 'case.'

Traditionally, a case meant that an individual displayed symptoms sufficient enough to be treated in a medical facility.

That is not what's going on now. Early on in the pandemic, a case became anyone who tested positive (using methodology that is subject to large testing error). More recently, a case became people associated with others who tested positive.

Suppose we wanted to revert back to the old definition. Would it be possible to reconstruct the data to obtain the true picture? Or is the corruption in the database irrerversible.

Hard not to imagine public health officials doing all they can to ensure that the true picture is unobtainable.

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