Saturday, July 11, 2020

Manipulation or Corruption?

I'm falling down a spiral
Destination unknown
Double crossed messenger
All alone
--Golden Earring

Although CV19 policy decisions should be evidence-based, what happens when central repositories of evidence, such as case counts, hospitalizations, and deaths, are being manipulated beyond recognition?

It is becoming impossible to make informed decisions when, for example, case counts include presumed or probable infections, all contacts traced to a person that has tested positive, and consecutive daily tests on the same person.

I am now hearing anecdotal evidence that here in our area, people who saw physicians and weren't tested are getting calls a couple of days later with notice of positive tests.

There can be little doubt that there is motivation to slant the data, to make the situation look worse than it is.

Manipulation may not be the correct word. Corruption may be more accurate.

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