Thursday, July 30, 2020

School Daze

We don't need to education
We don't need no thought control
--Pink Floyd

Yes, socialists are trying to destabilize the system. But some of their tactics are downright headscratching. One is the effort to defund police. Socialists need strong armed agents to enforce their agenda. They need to buy, not sell, police force.

The other is the effort to shut down schools--particularly public schools. Socialists seem to be focusing on the disruption that shutting schools will create chaos for children who need socialization with their peers as well as for working parents who depend on schools as a day care service.

What socialists don't seem to be factoring in is the possibility that many people will seek education alternatives. Homeschooling plus innovative perhaps tech driven ed alternatives might rise to meet demand and render the public school model obsolete.

If this were to happen, then socialists would lose a primary channel for indoctrinating young minds.

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