Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Overt Manipulation

"If this thing goes as deep, and reaches as high, as we think it does, then they'll do anything not to be exposed."
--Gray Grantham (The Pelican Brief)

Manipulation of CV19 data is no longer being done behind the scenes. Case counts, hospitalizations, and deaths are all being fudged out in the open.

It is simply beyond belief that an agency charged with 'disease control' does not come into an epidemic situation without a solid plan for collecting data in a manner that preserves integrity. Integrity is defined as accuracy (i.e., measures what you want it to measure) over time (i.e., frame of reference doesn't change).

None of that has happened here. Lack of standards. Changing methods. Definitions either unavailable or questionable.

At my former employer where I was in charge of maintaining the integrity of several corporate databases, I would surely have been fired for incompetence.

Sadly, I doubt that incompetence is the primary problem here.

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