Friday, June 19, 2020

Elephant Room

Why don't you tell me what's going on?
Why don't you tell me who's on the phone?
Why don't you ask him what's going wrong?
Why don't you ask him who's the latest on his throne?
--Fleetwood Mac

Alex Berenson sees the elephant in the room. Although there have been a few scattered seroprevalence antibody studies, there is still no national program to estimate prevalence and incidence in the general population.

Because of the essential information that such a program offers to policymakers, one would expect such that national antibody surveys would be standard protocol in any large scale disease mitigation program.

Lack of such a program this far into a pandemic leads the reasoning mind to conclude one of two things about the people running these agencies. Either they are incompetent, or, as Berenson suggests above, they have no interest in revealing the true impact of the disease.

My money has been on conclusion number two for some time.

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