Sunday, March 25, 2018

Gun Grabbers are Pro Gun

"Go to the sporting goods store. From the files obtain forms 4473. These will contain descriptions of weapons and lists of private ownership
--Colonel Ernesto Bella (Red Dawn)

The hypocrisy of statists never ceases to captivate me. The gun grabber segment is particularly active at the present time. Many like to say that they are 'anti gun.'

But they are not anti gun at all. They need guns in order to enforce their agenda. Gun grabbers must point guns at people and threaten them with bodily harm in attempts to keep them from owning guns. Whether that strategy can be effective is of course another discussion entirely.

Gun grabbers are pro gun. They support using guns to initiate violence on others. As principals of violence, they prefer guns in the hands of their strong-armed government agents in order to enact policies that require force to implement.

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