Saturday, February 9, 2013

Pro Government, Pro Gun

Now and then when I see her face
She takes me away to that special place
And if I stare too long, I'd probably break down and cry
--Guns 'N Roses

Any government program requires force, or threat of force, to implement. Government must use guns to be effective.

In a free society, the use of guns by government is limited to helping individuals defend their person and property from invasion by others. Government does not initiate force; it uses guns for defensive purposes.

When the scope of government expands beyond helping people defend against attack, then the guns of government are used to take person and property. Government initiates force; it uses its guns for offensive purposes.

If you are pro government, then you are pro gun. The question is whether you support using guns for defensive or offensive purposes.

If you side with limited government, then you support using guns for defense only.

If you side with expansive government, then you support using guns to initiate violence on others. Employing the strong arm of government to get your way makes you the gun-toting aggressor.


dgeorge12358 said...

Literally everything the government does is ultimately a threat to point a gun at someone and use it if necessary. If this were not the case, the law, regulation, ruling, or whatever, would be without force or effect. People would be free to ignore it if they wished. Because of the government's implicit threat to use deadly force to uphold its decisions, any meaningful program of gun control must above all focus on strictly controlling and regulating the activities of the government.
~George Reisman

dgeorge12358 said...

This year will go down in history as the first year a civilized nation has full gun control, our streets will be safer, our police more effective. The rest of the world will follow our lead into the future.
~ Adolf Hitler 1939