Wednesday, February 27, 2013

ABC Edits Away First Lady's Mistake

Jennifer Mack: Did you really give me a C?
David Lightman: No, I gave you an A.

Nice example of media bias as ABC edits out Michelle Obama's mistake during an inteview when she said that a Chicago teenager was killed by 'automatic weapons.' There were no automatic weapons involved in the shooting.

Gun control proponents frequently bring automatic weapons into the gun control debate, although automatic weapons, which fire multiple rounds with a single trigger pull, have been banned from manufacture and import for nearly 30 years.

Whether these people do so intentionally or out of ignorance is another issue.

In any event, an unbiased interviewer would have called out Ms Obama for her mistake and informed listeners of the facts. Instead, the ABC edit causes her mistake to disappear.

Slant city.

1 comment:

dgeorge12358 said...

Interesting too that interview did not mention that crime transpired despite Illinois having some of most stringent gun ban laws in US.

Also did not place any blame on the assailant and inferred that future crimes of this type would be averted if only there were more laws.