Monday, August 20, 2012

Bagging SWAG

Keith Frazier: Let's just try to keep everybody calm, okay?
Dalton Russell: Don't I sound calm to you?
Keith Frazier: Yeah, you do.
--Inside Man

This article makes the case for SWAG (silver, wine, art, gold) as a hedge against building inflation pressure. Wine's not my bag, but the others certainly make sense. Suggestion here is for 20% of assets in SWAG.

Although the argument 'for' gold et al has been getting more airplay, the number of people who have actually acted on the idea of swapping cash for tangible assets remains very small. Somewhat surprising given golds 4x increase in a decade.

High end SWAG markets, like truly rare paintings and old coins, have been on fire as 'smart money' converts cash into classic rarities.

position in gold, silver

1 comment:

dgeorge12358 said...

The most recent ten and five year compound annual returns for art, 4.6% and 7.7%, exceed the S&P returns of, 0.0% and 2.9% respectively as measured by the Mei Moses World All Art Index.