Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Terror Trade

It brings you down
It's like a war
Who pays the price
If you want more

What factors support terrorism in a country or region? Here are four that are not necessarily independent of one another:

1) Low education. Those who are less educated think less critically and are more prone to accept in an uncontested manner the one sided claims that terrorists spew.

2) Economic hardship. Out of desperation or perhaps envy, people who suffer economic hardship are more apt to view those who are economically better off as valid terrorist targets.

3) Culture/religion. Cultural or religious beliefs may prompt individuals to view terrorist causes as righteous.

4) Information assymetry. Individuals who are denied, or who do not have access to, information may draw faulty conclusions as they lack data necessary to form complete pictures.

Given these factors, we can propose certain economic, geopolitical environments as more likely to foster terrorist behavior. For instance, centrally planned economies tend to lower standard of living and promote economic hardship. Dictatorships tend to restrict information flow and education levels.

Using the current Iran situation as an example, a typical early step in action against countries that sponsor terrorism is the economic sanction. But restricting trade seems likely to increase the intensity of terrorist factors. Standard of living declines, pro-terrorist cultural and religious beliefs strengthen, and dictators play off the 'evil' nature of those participating in the embargo.

Concerned about the intensity of terrorist activity in a country or region? Trade freely with them and watch terrorist tendencies retreat.

1 comment:

OSR said...

Those factors are relevant to within the US, too.