Sunday, June 21, 2009

Bally Table King

I leave a trail of rooted people
Mesmerized by just the sight
The few I touch are now disciples
Love as one I am the light
--The Who

For those who support the Obama administration's stimulus plan and associated economic agenda, can you explain precisely why these plans make reasonable sense?

If your response to this question is along one of these lines:

a) "Not right here and now, but I have complete confidence that the Obama team knows what they're doing."

b) "Because President Obama and his experts say that it will work."

c) You head to the web to do research that will help you craft a response.

then your behavior is consistent with 'threat ridgity theory.' Essentially, when faced with a threat, humans tend to review fewer information alternatives and centralize decision-making authority.

Hey, what's wrong with c) you might ask? Well, you're supporting a course of action without knowing why. You've put the cart before the horse.

Of course, your response might also reflect political bias.

Either way, you're abdicating responsibility to you and to others for thinking critically.

Before choosing a side, make sure your choice is well reasoned.

1 comment:

OSR said...

I don't know that many words, so I'm forced to use those of others. I'm not sure about political bias, but I can already see that his financial reform and health care reforms will be farcical at best. Not terribly unlike the Bush's reforms, indicating once again that partisan politics is another distraction.