Saturday, April 11, 2020

Authoritarian Assault

Norfolk: And will you forfeit all you have, which includes the respect of your country, for a belief?
Sir Thomas More: Because what matters is that I believe it. Or, rather no, not that I believe it, but that *I* believe it. I trust I make myself obscure.
Norfolk: Perfectly. Why do you insult me with this lawyer's chatter?
Sir Thomas More: Because I am afraid.
Norfolk: Man, you're ill. This isn't Spain, you know. This is England!
--A Man For All Seasons

Yesterday Kentucky's governor announced that police in the state will be recording license plates of cars in church parking lots this Easter weekend and, subsequently, health officials will order all members of the households associated with those license plates to be quarantined for 14 days.

Let's see,

Freedom of religion
Freedom of assembly
Right to privacy
No deprivation of life, liberty, property without due process

That's at least three amendments in the Bill of Rights assaulted by a single authoritarian order.

Degree of pushback against orders like this will speak loudly about how much preference for liberty remains among us.

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