Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Arresting Justice

"It is to Madame Justice that I dedicate this concerto, in honor of the holiday that she seems to have taken from these parts, and in recognition of the imposter that stands in her stead."
--V (V for Vendetta)

Protest groups are popping up in many states to push back against draconian COVID lockdown measures. A protester was arrested in North Carolina yesterday after he failed to follow a police order to disperse.

Police claimed that the arrest was justified because protesting is a 'non-essential activity.'

Another example of authoritarian assault on constitutional rights. As a reminder, there is no 11th amendment, no asterisk, no disclaimer in the Bill of Rights stating that people's constitutional rights are voided in the event of crisis or to preserve national security.

Indeed, constitutional rights were enumerated primarily for times of crisis, for it is during crises that rights to life, liberty, and property are most threatened.

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