Sunday, May 26, 2019

His Peace

I really wanna see You
Really wanna be with You
Really wanna see you, Lord
But it takes so long, my Lord
--George Harrison

In today's gospel (John 14:23-29), Jesus says, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you." But he goes on to say, "Not as the world gives do I give it to you."

He is suggesting that peace as we think we know it here on earth is not necessarily peace in the heavenly sense.

The worldly definition of peace has to do with restfulness and absence of conflict. But it is hard to argue that Christ's time on earth reflected these concepts. His life was full of conflict and challenges to the status quo. Yet Jesus himself was the most peaceful person to walk the earth.

Jesus told us that He was leaving His peace with us. His peace came from his worldly actions--actions that were witnessed and recorded, and that we have come to know.

Through His actions Christ revealed to us that true peace is found not in the absence of pain or conflict, but in pursuing truth in the name of God.

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