Monday, April 16, 2018


"So, here's to the men who did what was considered wrong, in order to do what they knew was right...what they KNEW was right."
--Benjamin Franklin Gates (National Treasure)

Murray Rothbard elaborates the concept of radicalism in the libertarian sense. Radicalism can be seen as:
  • "being in total, root-and-branch opposition to the existing political system and to the State itself."
  • "having integrated intellectual opposition to the State with a gut hatred of its pervasive and organized system of crime and injustice."
  • "deep commitment to the spirit of liberty and antistatism that integrates reason and emotion, heart and soul."
Statism has been the default condition of social life. It is the status quo, and demands conformity and compliance.

The radical idea continues to be liberty. Its institution, by definition, will require the work of radicals.

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