Friday, May 1, 2015

Locking In Burger Flippers

Dr Peter Venkman: Janine, I'm sure that someone with your qualifications would have no trouble findings a top flight job in the housekeeping or food service industries.
Janine Melnitz: I've quit better jobs than this.

As a follow up on yesterday's post, Sheldon Richmond addresses a common argument in favor of minimum wage laws. As exemplified here, the argument is that minimum wage laws keep low skilled workers in 'burger flipping' jobs that they would otherwise leave for other jobs, thus leaving those 'other jobs' for other workers.

Of course, any policy oriented toward locking in people to burger flipping jobs for extended time should disturb the reasoned mind.

One of many challenges to the above line of thought is this: suppose wages weren't forced higher. Wouldn't burger flippers look for better jobs as their productivities allowed? And as they found jobs that better match their productivities, then wouldn't that free burger flipper openings for new low skilled entrants into the job market?

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