Thursday, May 7, 2015

Family Privilege

"They are going to take you."
--Bryan Mills (Taken)

Socialists like to evoke the notion of 'privilege' when justifying programs of redistribution. In the socialist sense, privilege is a benefit or advantage endowed on a person that the person did not rightfully earn. Because they are undeserving, privileged people should not have complete authority to dispose of their endowment as they wish. Instead, privileges must be forcibly shared with those less privileged in the name of 'fairness.'

Pushing this thought process toward completion conjures ludicrous scenarios such as this one that suggests good parenting as a set of unfair privileges endowed to some children but not to others. One solution: abolish the family to level the playing field and increase 'social justice.'

Such follies arise when confused minds commingle the concepts of rights, property, and privilege. True rights exist simultaneously among people and impose no obligations on others--except for that of non-interference. Property consists of person, wherewithal to produce, and production that the owner has the authority to dispose of as he/she wishes as long as that disposition is not aggressive in nature. The distribution of property is uneven in nature and in God.

A privilege is an exception to the right of property. Privileges are granted by government, and permit the privileged to forcibly take property from its rightful owners.

Families have the right to peacefully dispose of their property as they wish. People who want to interfere with this right are the ones seeking privilege.

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