Friday, May 10, 2013

Tea Targeting

"They want what any first term administration wants. A second term."
--Robert Ritter (Clear and Present Danger)

In early 2012, complaints began surfacing from many Tea Party affiliated organizations that they were the subject of tax scrutiny by the IRS. Other groups of other political persuasions were not undergoing such review. It was straightforward to construe that the IRS was unfairly targeting Tea Party groups. Government officials denied it at the time.

Now the IRS admits it.

Amazingly, the WaPo piece does not report what drove officials to reverse their previous stand. It also does not report on any consequences of the targeting. For example, did the targeting impair Tea Party groups from getting organized ahead of last Fall's election?

These are obvious questions that any responsible journalist would pursue.

Hyper aggressive Fed policy. Data manipulation. Benghazi. Targeting of Tea Party organizations. All ahead of the November election. The dots are there for connecting. The picture is that of an administration hellbent on tilting the election table in its favor. Yet few media want to pursue this story.

The media also do not want to suggest that government targeting of politically oriented groups is a prime expression of tyranny.

1 comment:

dgeorge12358 said...

Don't buy a single vote more than necessary. I'll be damned if I'm going to pay for a landslide.
~Joseph P Kennedy