Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Another Reporter Investigated by DOJ

"You hear that? That's the press, baby. The press! And there's nothing you can do about it. Nothing!"
--Ed Hucheson (Deadline U.S.A.)

Getting less press than the AP scandal is more aggression by the Obama administration against another journalist. This time the reporter is James Rosen of Fox News. The Department of Justice investigated Rosen, which including dipping into his email accounts, after alleging that he was receiving and offering to publish classified information about North Korea obtained from a government adviser in 2009.

As Judge Nap notes, even if Rosen did everything the DOJ claims in its subsequent subpoena against him, then he did not break the law. Reporters "have an absolute constitutionally protected right to seek news of material interest to the public wherever that news may be."

Evidence continues to mount that this administration, rather than being fully transparent as claimed, has been determined to plug all sources of unauthorized information. The Obama administration has already prosecuted more leakers under the WWI era Espionage Act than all previous administrations combined.

This administration opposes free speech and transparency. It supports gagging and opacity.

1 comment:

dgeorge12358 said...

The list of the people involved is longer than anyone can imagine. It involves the entire U.S. Intelligence Community. FBI... CIA... Justice... it's incredible. The cover-up had little to do with the Watergate foul-up. It was mainly to protect the covert operations. It leads everywhere. Get out your notebook. There's more. I think your lives are in danger.
~Deep Throat, All the President's Men, 1976