Sunday, December 20, 2009

Weird Science

Henry Donnelly: "I'm not going to stand here and listen to this baloney."
Carmen Donnelly: "He won't, you know. He doesn't stand for baloney."
--Weird Science

At last week's global warming mtg in Copenhagen, President Obama once again proclaimed that the 'science' of global warming is not up for debate.

This, of course, is not true as nearly every claim offered by global warming proponents is contestable.

The purpose of science and inquiry should be pursuit of the truth. The truth is an idealistic construct that will likely never be completely elaborated. Thru iterative learning process, however, progress can be made.

When doors leading toward inquiry and reasoned debate are closed, then science ceases to exist.

What is called 'science' is instead propoganda used by bureaucrats to pursue political agendas.

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