Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Media Melodrama

I read the news today, oh boy
Four thousand holes in Blackburn, Lancashire
And though the holes were rather small
They had to count them all
And now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall
--The Beatles

My sister tosses another log onto the firey debate about media bias. The general argument has been with us for some time and usually follows a common sequence. First one or more media outlets are identified that purportedly present limited viewpoints on a story that merits multiple perspectives. Evidence is then offered in support of this claim (ironically, such evidence often seems quite one sided itself). Finally, it is often suggested that something must be done to change this bias, or that a particular outlet's pattern should be emulated.

One issue with this train of thought is the underlying assumption that media outlets 'should' be unbiased in the first place. In markets, supply follows demand. If consumers of media content favor drivel over sound thought process, then that is what suppliers will deliver. And, if you agree with the claim that there has been a general decline in critical thinking among US citizens, then it should be no surprise that providers have segmented to cater to particular taste preferences for biased content.

If there is an unmet need for balanced, thoughtful content, then opportunity exists for entrepreneurs.

Particularly on the web, some innovators can be observed pursuing such an objective.

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