Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Virtue Signaling

Turn out the light
Bolt the door
I ain't going out there
--Bruce Springsteen

The World Health Organization reiterates that the masses should not wear masks unless they are sick or caring for a sick loved one. "There is no specific evidence that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any potential benefit. In fact, there's some evidence to suggest the opposite in the misuse of wearing a mask properly or fitting it properly."
Nice that the WHO is being data driven for a change.

Sadly, this recommendation is unlikely to change the behavior of millions of mask wearers or the agencies, such as the CDC, that are promoting the wearing of facial coverings of any kind.

Why would people be reluctant to remove their masks in absence of evidence to support their use? One reason is that it is generally difficult to reverse an ineffective or failing course of action--particularly when the course of action takes on a political element.

Another reason is that many mask-wearers, perhaps most of them, aren't concerned about the evidence at all. Their objective is not so much a medical one as it is a media one. They are making a statement--primarily one about themselves. By wearing a mask, they signal to others that they concerned about their fellow man and that they dutifully support authoritarian actions to 'stop the spread.'

Masks have become the consummate virtue signaling device associated with this pandemic.

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