Thursday, October 10, 2019

Lame Frame

Louis Winthorpe III: Randolph, Mortimer, come in here quickly! I've finally caught him!
Billy Ray Valentine: Who are you?
Louis Winthorpe III: I've caught him red-handed!
Mortimer Duke: Winthorpe, is that you?
Louis Winthorpe III: I'm making a citizen's arrest! This man is a drug dealer! Look, his office drawer...he's got all the bad drugs here: marijuana joints, pills, quaaludes, valium, yellow ones, red ones, cocaine grinder, drug needles. He's the pusher, not me!
--Trading Places

In the classic film Trading Places, down-and-out commodities broker Louis Winthorpe III (played by Dan Aykroyd) tries to reclaim his prestige and position by planting drug paraphernalia in the office desk of his replacement at the firm of Duke & Duke, the up-and-comer Billy Ray Valentine (played by Eddie Murphy).

But his scheme gets nowhere. Billy Ray and the Duke brothers all recognize the lame frame attempt for what it is, and Winthorpe withdraws in disgrace.

Winthorpe's plot resembles the Democrats' plan to flush out Donald Trump. Manufacture situations and implicate the president, using a willing and complicit media to articulate the false narrative in hopes that the general populace will somehow buy it.

But, save for ideologues sympathetic to the left's cause, people can smell rat(s). Another manufactured Yuri.

Another hoax aimed to deceive and displace.

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