Monday, April 8, 2019

Young Minds and Socialism

They're seeing through the promises
And all the lies they dare to tell
Is it heaven or hell?
They know very well

Young people are routinely cited as favoring socialism. This is largely due to the pro-socialist, anti-market bias of the education system. However, it is easy to expose young minds to truth by proposing some 'what if' scenarios.

For example, what if your favorite sports team were forced to surrender half of their points scored to their opponents?

Or better yet, what if each student in a class received the average grade compiled from all individual student marks?

Sprinkling in stories of colonial experiments with socialism adds extra flavor.

Ask them to predict what is likely to happen to productivity (runs scored per game or average grade) , incentive to succeed, and tendency for free-riding (moral hazard), and young minds begin down the path toward truth.

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