Saturday, April 13, 2019

Taken by the Welfare Con

"You have to keep this con even after you take his money. He can't know you took him."
--Henry Gondorff (The Sting)

One of the sharpest socioeconomic minds of our time belongs to Thomas Sowell. Larry Elder tweets several Sowell quotes regarding the welfare state and its affect on black people. The first tweet involves the con of the welfare state and its capacity to subsidize irresponsibility.
The second tweet focuses on cause and effect. Greater welfare state, reduced black prosperity.
One of Sowell's few intellectual equals, Prof Williams, has observed similar. Subsidize irresponsibility and you'll get more of it. The welfare state has subsidized irresponsibility among blacks--particularly black families--to their detriment.

Hopefully, blacks and people of all colors under the con of the welfare state will soon wake to the fact that they are being taken.

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