Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Improving Immigration Policy

There I was at the immigration scene
Shining and feeling clean
--Crosby & Nash

Some interesting ideas here on how to improve immigration policy that are grounded in freedom of association and market exchange. They include:

1) Expedited entry to immigrants who agree to forfeit access to all publicly funded subsidies and amenities including public schools, public healthcare, and similar programs.

2) A sponsorship program where private individuals and organizations formally invite and vouch for immigrants that they sponsor. If these immigrants turn out to be criminals or users of public funds, then the sponsors would be held legally and financially liable.

3) Eliminate all immigration ceilings, but limit admission to those immigrants who are sponsored, who have agreed to forfeit access to public funding, or who can demonstrate financial independence.

Of course, a simpler policy would be to dismantle taxpayer-funded public programs to reduce incentive for immigrant free riders.

That said, the above ideas is thought provoking in that they provide for greater freedom among US citizens for engaging in trade and exchange with immigrants worldwide while limiting risk to taxpayers. Moreover, polices based on these ideas naturally limit immigration volume since sponsorships and bonding would be constrained by availability of private resources.

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