Friday, September 28, 2018

Psychosis, Delusion, and Social Networks

In my head the voice is waiting
Waiting for me to set it free
--Russ Ballard

Psychosis is a mental condition where a person has difficulty determining what is real and what is not. A common symptom of psychosis is delusion. A delusion is a false belief--i.e., a belief that is held with strong conviction despite the presence of superior evidence to the contrary.

Events over the past few weeks have me wondering about the capability of social networks for amplifying psychotic tendencies in people who are prone to delusion. Immersion in social networks can lead to 'echo chamber' effects, where ideas and beliefs are reinforced through circulation and repetition without serious consideration of competing ideas or disconfirming evidence.

Such unchallenged reinforcement serves to fortify delusion. Consequently, individuals who are susceptible to psychosis emerge from social networking experiences more convinced than ever that their dream world is in fact reality.

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