Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Education Indoctrination

We don't need no education
We don't need no thought control
--Pink Floyd

Prof Williams discusses the growing role of colleges as distribution channels for leftist ideologies. Collegiate level indoctrination provides icing on the cake of sorts for brainwashing that has been taking place since students' early grade school days.

By the time students reach me, many seem incapable of thinking critically about topics such as global warming, capitalism, child labor, freedom of speech, government's role in society, and immigration. Stated differently, they know only one side of the issue and have little interest in asking "What else can it be?" in the pursuit of truth.

What has me most concerned is the stranglehold that collegiate bureaucrats are gaining on activities that impact real learning. Classroom methods, faculty hiring decisions, on-campus speakers, and even research methods are under increased scrutiny by administrators interested in imposing ideological constraints on academic inquiry.

Sadly, truth and college campuses are increasingly at odds.

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