Sunday, August 12, 2018


The times are tough new
Just getting tougher
This whole world is rough
It's just getting rougher
--Bruce Springsteen

It is increasingly clear that the 'Russia collusion' investigation against Donald Trump is nothing more that an attempt to deflect and cover up wrongdoings by Hillary Clinton and the Obama administrations.

Statists were confident that the Clinton email scandal, the Clinton-Russia uranium deal, and associated lawlessness by State and Justice depts would never see the light of day because a Clinton presidential victory in 2016 was a sure thing. When that turned out not to be the case, statists scrambled to construct the Russia collusion narrative to divert attention from their crimes. A complicit media has gladly pushed the story.

In the best case scenario, they hoped (and still hope) that their fabricated narrative, if given enough legitimacy and time, could unseat Trump--and forever bury their wrongdoings in the tomb of the Deep State.

If they can only extend the witch hunt to the mid term elections, then their cover-up wishes will come true.

So goes the thought process.

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