Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Unbigoted Irony

Too many shadows
Whispering voices
Faces on posters
Too many choices
--Pet Shop Boys

Strange thing about many people who view themselves as unbigoted while frequently labeling others as racists. They are unable to evaluate opinions and behavior of others unless they know the others' skin color.

Suppose an on-line editorial about a controversial social issue is written by an individual for whom a name but no bio is given. It is likely that most of the self-proclaimed unbigots who are interested in the editorial will search the internet et al for background info on the author. In particular, the unbigots will want to know what this person looks like.

If the unbigots desire to weigh in on the issue in, say, the comment section underneath the editorial, then it is also likely that their responses will differ depending on the editorialist's appearance (i.e., gender, skin color, etc).

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