Thursday, July 9, 2015

Memorializing Racists

You're lighting a scene
That's faded to black
I threw it away
'Cause I don't want it back
--Alan Parsons Project

Tom DiLorenzo points out one of the many hypocrisies of Progressives. On one hand, they obsess over a Confederate flag flying above a state house, claiming that it is a symbol of racism that must come down. On the other hand, they ignore the monument in Washington DC dedicated to a president whose public utterances include a collection of perhaps the most blatantly racist comments on presidential record.

Why shouldn't the Lincoln Memorial come down alongside the Confederate flag?

If the response is that Lincoln symbolized other things besides racism, then the argument is similar to many of those with affinity for the Confederate flag.

If the response is that the majority does not see Lincoln primarily as a racist while most view the Confederate flag as a symbol of racism, then the question is why should majority opinion overrule the First Amendment?

If the response is that government has no business endorsing opinions, then why is it doing either--i.e., flying flags construed by some as racist or memorializing individuals construed by some as racist?

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