Monday, June 1, 2015

Left Fielders

"Profit? Fiscal year? Tsk, tsk, tsk. Beware, my dear Zilkov. The virus of capitalism is highly infectious. Soon you'll be lending money out at interest."
--Dr Yen Lo (The Manchurian Candidate)

My suspicion is that the Democratic Party will migrate further to the left in advance of the 2016 presidential election. Hillary Clinton has already declared her candidacy and is the heavy favorite to receive her party's nomination.

However, not only is she fighting age and Clinton legacy barriers, but many of her past positions as US senator and secretary of state appear too conservative to many progressives. Thus, secondary candidate Bernie Sanders, an avowed socialist, is actually putting up some numbers in early polls.

This suggests a couple of possibilities over the next year. One is that party operatives pressure Clinton's platform more to the left. The other is that another, more left leaning candidate rises to challenge Clinton.

The latter possibility should muster a sense of deja vu with Clintonistas. Ms Clinton was also endowed with heavy favorite status at this point in the last election cycle--only to be subsequently crushed by newcomer Barack Obama.

Personally, I would not be surprised if Elizabeth Warren, a senator from Massachusetts, assumes the spoiler role this time around. She possesses characteristics that align with party interests. Her gender appeals to many in her party who favor demographic category over personal character. She also supports policies as socialist as those favored by Sanders.

A left field candidate for those interested in moving left.

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