Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Kudos Elizabeth Warren

Been away
Haven't seen you in a while
How've you been?
Have you changed your style
--Dave Mason

Usually, what comes out of Elizabeth Warren's mouth is pure drivel. But, as they say, even a broken clock gets it right now and then.

Warren was one of the thumbs down Senate voters on the federal budget bill. She railed against the banker friendly elements of the bill and the moral hazard that it promotes.

Directing her remarks toward the self-proclaimed 'small government' types who supported the bill, "If you believe in smaller government, how can you support a provision that would expand a government insurance program and put taxpayers on the hook for the riskiest private activities?"

She's correct.

Of course, Warren herself is not a small government type, and she supports expanded government programs and putting taxpayers on the hook in other areas. She's doing what politicians do so well: assuming the role of the pot calling the kettle black.

Still, Liz, it's a start. You're on the right track this time. Keep coming back!

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