Friday, November 7, 2014

Speak the Truth

"Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death."
--Godfrey of Ibelin (Kingdom of Heaven)

Jacob Hornberger picks up where we left off the other day. The game of musical chairs between Republicans and Democrats will continue until the American people change the way they think about government. Much about how Americans think about government has been inculcated into them through years of indoctrination via education and media sources.

One problems is that many Americans believe that we have always had our present form of government. They do not realize that what we have today results from a steady drift away from the limited government principles of our founding ancestors.

The bigger problem, according to JH, is that most Americans actually believe that they are free--and that this freedom is due to our present form of government.

This is what Hornberger believed for many years. Through young adulthood, he firmly believed that he was free, and that government was responsible for granting people freedom. It was not until he seriously reflected on claims that Americans were actually surrendering their liberty that he realized his error.

How to facilitate a public change of mind? Speak the truth about freedom and about what the welfare/warfare state has done to compromise it.

1 comment:

dgeorge12358 said...

Your resolution must never falter.  No argument must lead you astray.  Never listen when they tell you that Man and the animals have a common interest....we must not come to resemble him.
~Animal Farm