Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Mainstream Republicans

They're seeing through the promises
And all the lies they dare to tell
Is it heaven or hell?
They know very well

Based on a recent editorial claiming that Rand Paul could never be a mainstream Republican, Jacob Hornberger wonders why Paul would want to. As these pages have observed many times, there is little difference between mainstream Republicans and Democrats.

Aside from perhaps subsidies to NPR, mainstream Republicans have signed off on the entire Welfare State package. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, federal education programs, unemployment benefits, foreign aid, et al. Mainstream Republicans have embraced it all.

All the while, mainstream Republicans claim to be for "freedom and free enterprise." This is an empty rhetoric of deception, denial, and delusion.

In addition to enthusiastically backing the Welfare State, mainstream Republicans were the architects of the Warfare State. Starting with its 'founder' Lincoln, mainstream Republicans have favored the use of military force to accomplish its agenda. The results over the past 150 years include tens of millions dead and $trillions in wasted resources to support empire and special interest building--usually legitimized under the ruse of "national security."

Paul demonstrates that political philosophy is inaccurately viewed as a one dimensional left-right spectrum. It is better viewed in two dimensions--as a landscape. RP's positioning is far from mainstream Republicans.

The alternative position on the political landscape that Rand Paul reflects is becoming increasingly visible to many voters, particularly young ones.

This frightens mainstream Republicans to no end.

1 comment:

dgeorge12358 said...

I've never been able to understand why a Republican contributor is a 'fat cat' and a Democratic contributor of the same amount of money is a 'public-spirited philanthropist'.
~Ronald Reagan