Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Gold Check

"The only thing better than blowing up 100 billion dollars worth of gold is making people think you did."
--John McClane (Die Hard With a Vengeance)

Some Germans are growing nervous about gold reserves being held with foreign central banks. The Fed is by far the largest holder.

Calls are growing for physical audits. Some rumblings for repatriation of gold reserves can also be heard.

In a world where monetary printing presses are running at historic speeds, such activity should not be surprising--particularly from a country that gave us Weimar.

When money is being printed in big volumes, people think more about where their gold is, and about making it more accessible.

position in gold

1 comment:

dgeorge12358 said...

When George Bush was advised that gold may not be present at Ft. Knox, he stated, "In that case, double the guards!"