Friday, September 28, 2012

Studying Freedom

"I know it, Richard. I know it!"
--Sam Gerard (The Fugitive)

Side-by-side sampling of founding thought vs progressive thought on limited government. This page is from Hillsdale College's Constitutional Reader, which the school is putting online.

Leonard Read believed that, if people spent more time studying the Constitution and its underlying ideas, and compared them to the ideas driving America's current direction, then we would be ok. Read had faith in our capacity to judge truth. He was confident that self-reflection on limited versus unlimited government would reveal self-evident truths to people in contemporary times as it did for people during our founding times.

I think he's right. Antagonism is destructive. Providing resources that people can use in their quest for truth is constructive.

Hillsdale's little side-by-side above is a nice example.

Leonard Read knew that people value freedom only when they figure it out for themselves.

1 comment:

dgeorge12358 said...

Government has no other end, but the preservation of property.
~John Locke