Monday, May 23, 2011

Bargain Hunting

I'd pay any price just to get you
Work all my life and I will
To win you, I'd stand
Naked, stoned, and stabbed
--The Who

The laughable shop closing laws in Germany are coming down. Even in authoritarian regimes where the State seeks to shape a better human being via force, it is impossible to keep market forces at bay. Pockets of resistance to State force pop up (e.g., black markets). And as more people taste the freedom and its capacity to improve standard of living, pressure builds until the system tips.

This month Utah became the first state in many years to legalize gold and silver coins as currency. More than a dozen other states have similar laws brewing. Market forces are responding to another stimulus of State oppression.

The Tea Party movement is another example.

Despite a pervasive constructivist mindset, natural law in the form of market forces cannot be suppressed.

positions in gold, silver

1 comment:

dgeorge12358 said...

In some ways, liberty is the craziest and most implausible idea anyone ever dreamed up. And yet only liberty really accomplishes that seemingly elusive dream of a prosperous, orderly, and peaceful society in which every member is permitted to have a role in its development. It takes some imagination to understand how.
~Jeffrey Tucker