Sunday, April 24, 2011

Rhyme and Dime

"Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss."
--The Who

Am slowly but surely chewing thru John T. Flynn's (1948) The Roosevelt Myth. I'm continually struck by the political parallels between the 1930s period and today.

A massive credit bubble expands during a free spending Republican administration. Things start to unravel, and the decline picks up speed as the presidential elections kick in. People subsequently vote out the Republicans in the midst of a credit meltdown and replace him w/ a Democrat who can croon w/ the best of them about 'change.'

The Democrat president then uses the crisis backdrop to spend, inflate, and violate the Constitution on a scale thentofore unseen.

The rhyme is certainly there, but it remains to be seen whether the American people will tolerate such despotic behavior this time around.


Flynn, J.T. 1948. The Roosevelt myth. New York: The Devin-Adair Company.

1 comment:

dgeorge12358 said...

Roosevelt sent his now famous message to Congress deploring the disastrous extravagance of the Hoover administration.... As one reads that message now it is difficult to believe that it could ever have been uttered by a man who before ending his regime would spend not merely more money than President Hoover, but more than all the other 31 presidents put together, three times more, in fact, than all the presidents from George Washington to Herbert Hoover.
~John T Flynn