Thursday, April 14, 2011

Green Eggs and Scam

Those one track minds
They took you for a working boy
Kiss them goodbye
You shouldn't have to jump for joy
--Tears for Fears

As folks look under the hood at the pending budget bill w/ the pathetic $38 billion in spending cuts, we learn that even that number is an illusion. I've seen estimates suggesting less than $1 billion in real cuts.

We should expect no less from the flim flammers in Washington.

Perhaps the only positive out of this debacle is that it is getting more and more difficult for DC politicians to pull the wool over people's eyes.

Popular opinion is quickly turning on this one. How fine would it be to see a come from behind thumbs down vote?

1 comment:

dgeorge12358 said...

How quickly would the politicians balance the budget if they personally had to make up the difference between income and expenses?

We'd very quickly learn their true priorities.