Thursday, October 21, 2010

Bigot Defined

"Isn't it ironic, don't you think?"
--Alanis Morissette

From my trusty Webster's:

bigot 1. a person who holds blindly and intolerantly to a particular creed, opinion, etc. 2. a narrow-minded person.

Given human proclivity for selective reasoning and confirmation bias, this definition just about covers us all.

Seems to me that people who sling this word around in accusatory fashion likely have no mirrors handy...


katie ford hall said...

I think the word bigot is being used because he used it, Matt.

fordmw said...


dgeorge12358 said...

Nations have come under the control of haters and fools.
~Carroll O'Connor

katie ford hall said...

He didn't use it? He said "I'm not a bigot" then went on to say his other stuff. Maybe he didn't have a mirror??