Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Recursive Verse

No clue of what's happening to you
And before this night is through
Ooh baby, the rhythm is gonna get you
--Miami Sound Machine

Have been jumping around Rothbard's four volume set Conceived in Liberty to get a better feel for Colonial and British view of the revolt. Here's an interesting passage from volume 4:

"The British, like all counter-revolutionaries always and everwhere, scoffed at the Revolution as being a movement of a small fanatical minority rather than a majority, and as a movement of a weak and inferior breed of men. All counter-revolutionaries tend to gravely underestimate their enemies by treating rebellion as the work of a small subversive band of dogmatic and fanatical idealogues." (p. 70)

The rhyme of history.


Rothbard, M.N. 1979. Conceived in liberty, Vol. 4. New York: Arlington House, Publishers.


katie ford hall said...

The thing is though that people on the right dismissed Obama's candidacy and huge groundswell of support the same way, so you could say it already happened right under your nose.

fordmw said...

To some degree there's always some of this I suppose, as Left v Right engage in short cycle battles.

Long cycle movement, however, pits Big Govt (L&R) v Liberty.