Sunday, March 7, 2010

States Rights

Welcome to your life
There's no turning back
Even while we sleep
We will find you
--Tears for Fears

Just finished Chodorov (1959). Another book that I plan to re-read a few times. In the final chapter, Chodorov considers whether it's possible to break the cycle of freedom-->State power growth-->lower standard of living-->collapse

He suggests that America may have a chance to reverse things because its memory of freedom is still relatively fresh. He suggests two primary to dos:

Decentralize government. Local government is more prone to social power (surveillance and sanctions) than remote government. As the Federal government as grown, social power has declined and State power has risen. Increasing local authority would revive social power.

Repeal the 16th Amendment. Chodorov suggests that a primary difference between a free society and a dominated one is in the percentage of property the State lays its hands on. Until we reverse the State's ability to tax, Leviathan grows.

To those, I would add a return to sound money. A State that controls the currency can print its way to power. The Fed needs to go away, and the currency needs metal backing, in order to maintain discipline among those who govern.

Chodorov notes that all societies that have failed have done so bearing burgeoning States on their backs. He fails to note that, in all cases, inflation was a central lever of State apparatus.


Chodorov, F. 1959. The rise and fall of society. New York: The Devin-Adair Company.

position in gold

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