Sunday, November 1, 2009

Word Man

"Hey kid, you can stay."
--Eddie Wilson (Eddie and the Cruisers)

Just completed assigning key words to missives scribed on this blog. The resulting list of labels can be found by scrolling down and viewing the right hand column.

In qualitative research, key word lists are often referred to as 'data dictionaries' and form the basis of qualitative analysis. Simple counts of key words can reveal interesting themes.

Counting this missive, there have been 399 posts on this blog since inception. Here are the top 5 labels:

intervention (154)
markets (100)
debt (96)
government (83)
technical analysis (70)

Counts suggest that primary threads of this blog involve markets and government's role in them--particular w.r.t. government interference in market behavior. Thoughts on debt and leverage have also been a dominant concern. Technical analysis reflects attempts to pin thoughts to extant market levels and trends.

Such findings seem supportive of the original intent behind this blog.

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