Monday, June 28, 2021

Random or Calculated?

I think it's time we stop
Children, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down

--Buffalo Springfield

Reasoning minds have felt uncomfortable accepting what has transpired over the past year at face value. Policy actions have had a scripted feel to them. Politically slanted, and well supported by a biased media. Certainly convenient to certain factions in a presidential election year.

Last year I hypothesized that, rather than the pure product of premeditation, that the sequence of events probably had random roots--a crisis of convenience that gradually attracted like-minded, opportunistic factions along the way. 

Now I'm not so sure.

Connecting dots increasingly supports a theory of intent. A centrally planned event (with the World Economic Forum near the epicenter) that enabled a 'Great Reset.' 

Nice thought-provoking video on the matter: part 1, part 2. The 'Build Back Better' medley at the end of part 2 should raise an eyebrow or two.

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