Monday, December 10, 2018

Global Warming Premises

"There is a WALL of water headed toward New York City!"
--Radio announcer (The Day After Tomorrow)

As observed here, global warming is based on three premises: 1) the earth's atmosphere is warming, 2) humans are responsible for that warming, 3) warming is inherently bad.

Despite what some pundits have claimed, none of these premises have been decisively proven. Indeed, if global warming enthusiasts had to bring their case before a court of law they would surely lose for lack of conclusive evidence.

But suppose those premises were accepted. What would be some of the consequences of proposed policy responses such as heavy carbon taxes, outlawing cheap fossil fuels, and mandating expensive 'green' technologies, or one child policies?

Some of the economic trade-offs might include: surrendering consumer comforts such as air conditioning, outlawing personal automobiles, higher cost of living, less mobility, and, most certainly, slower economic growth in the world.

Less prosperity.

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