Monday, August 10, 2015

Still Troublesome

In a big country dreams stay with you
Like a lover's voice fires the mountainside
Stay alive
--Big Country

I still have trouble processing it. Once again making my late summer's pilgrimage to central Wisconsin where I used to live, I remain bothered by how a thriving 100 yr old company could vanish in such a short period of time.

Quite literally in some respects, as operating division's worth of assets have been demolished and removed.

Other assets have merely changed hands once again.

As observed on previous visits, the current state of affairs cannot be written off as merely the product of competition and industry evolution. No, the hand of forcible intervention has been at work here.

Although I am grateful that the hand of God nudged me away before the real storm began, my heart remains saddened for this Northern community that has borne the brunt of central planning gone awry.

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